(914) 946-6641 lawfirm@sjlevinelaw.com

Children of Divorce or Separation

When parents intend to separate or divorce, it is essential to assure their child that their love for the child is unconditional. It may be helpful to seek the advice of a qualified professional before having a discussion with the child about new living relationships....

Consider a marriage counselor, before considering divorce

In my divorce practice, I customarily ask a client whether marriage or other counseling has been sought before consulting with me. It is, of course, preferable that every effort be made to save a marriage before beginning the divorce process.Marriage counseling...

The statement of net worth

One of the most important papers you will sign in a divorce or separation is the Statement of Net Worth. The Statement of Net Worth is signed under oath and includes a detailed designation of a spouse’s assets, income, liabilities and support requirements.  The...

A road map for "Equitable Distribution"

A road map of New York’s divorce law is found in the statute commonly known as the Equitable Distribution Law (“Google” – NY Domestic Relations Law Section 236 B.) Under the Equitable Distribution Law (“E.D.L.”), the relationship between a husband and wife is...

Hidden Income and Assets

It is common in a divorce case for a spouse to claim that there is undisclosed “cash”.  It is uncommon, however, to actually document the existence of cash income during the financial discovery process. Thus, I was gratified to learn during the course of a deposition...